Landscape Designs Consultations

Steve Lesch offers digitally recorded on-site landscape consultations for new and existing landscapes.

You may:
- have moved into a new home with an existing landscape and have a desire to understand what you have and how to take care of it.
- wish to renovate part of your existing landscape and want ideas on what may be suitable for the area.
- have drainage issues that need to be addressed.
- have a desire for improved privacy and what plantings and landscaping may provide the desired screening.

As we systematically walk around your landscape, I typically discuss an engaging conversation on the following:
Health and vitality of your plants
Pruning and maintenance recommendations
Hardscape design recommendations
Plant design and/or replacement recommendations
Disease and pest control recommendations
Drainage & grading
Soil conditions and pH (I carry a tester with me)
and most anything else regarding your landscape.

Since our conversation is recorded, you would not need to write anything down at the time of the consultation. Saves time!
As I will not be taking any pictures during this consultation, I recommend you do so with your camera or smart phone.
I will occasionally pause the recording to look up a suggestion on one of our smart phones to show you what I am talking about.

If I don’t know the answers to your questions, I will jot them down and send you an email with the answers.

Digitally recorded on-site consultations fees are as follows:

Residential landscape consultations are $75.00 for the first hour
and $75.00 prorated per hour thereafter, from portal to portal.
Minimum consultation fee is $75.00.

Condominium, Municipal & Commercial landscape consultations are $150 for the first hour
and $150 prorated per hour thereafter, from portal to portal.
Minimum consultation fee is $150.00

Upon completion of the consulation, I will download the recording to a flash drive or SD card
and mail it to you or e-send it to you via Dropbox.

Email: or phone 608-233-4215 for additional information.

Offices: 5434 Dahlen Drive, Madison, WI 53705 • (608) 233-4215 • Operations: 3290 Elvehjem Road, McFarland, WI 53558